This project aims at developing a training module about sustainable cooking to be included in the national curricula for Cooking VET courses. The rationale behind VET-ECOoking is that all cooking professionals will be better equipped and prepared to deal with issues such as the impact of mass production on both humans and the planet, as enhancers of the gastronomic experience. Currently, EU member-states are lacking efficient VET offers concerning the provision of sustainable cooking skills. It is therefore important to upgrade the qualifications and abilities of future cooking professionals, so that these professionals can deliver their service in appropriate ways, respecting not only the diversity of customers’ needs but also specific requirements related to different cuisines and necessary adaptations. With suitable training, such as the one that VET-ECOoking will offer, future cooking professionals, currently attending VET education, can serve everyone delicious, sustainable food, regardless of the client’s lifestyle.
To summarize, this project aims at accomplishing the following main objectives:
Create a training module on “Sustainable Cooking” for VET students in the field of cooking

Develop of hard and soft skills of VET students to prepare sustainable, highquality gastronomy and raise awareness for the importance of fighting climate change

Better prepare the VET students to address the challenges at the workplace, with a focus on the greener dietary options

Increase of the notoriety of VET in the field of cooking

Use cooking as a departure point to raise awareness for the Sustainable Development Goals (namely no.s 2, 3, 6 and 12)
The project will produce the following main results:
Publication of 4 National and 1 Global report on: “State of the Art and Good Practices concerning Sustainable Cooking”
Creation of 1 VET module on Sustainable Cooking to be integrated into VET courses of Gastronomy (available in 4 languages)
Creation of a training platform with the contents and the resources of the module
A final publication on: “Promoting Sustainable Cooking to fight for a better World”