“die Berater”
Unternehmensberatungs GmbH
Wipplingerstraße 32/Top 23-25
A-1010 Vienna
Tel.: +43 1 532 45 45-0
Fax: +43 1 532 45 45-1145
Email: office@dieberater.com
Chamber affiliation: Vienna Economic Chamber
Commercial register number: FN 172936 V
VAT-ID: ATU 51170405
DVR – Data processing registry: 0974072
Media owner:
Mag. Martin Röhsner
Managing Director
Business purpose:
Our business purpose is consulting, training and coaching of customers in the public and private sector.
Customers in the public sector are primarily the job centre in Austria, ministries, the European Commission as well as the entire education system. With our range of services, we address highly diverse target groups, whereby the respective content is planned, organized, and implemented in a manner appropriate to the respective target group. Our range of services comprises subject-specific training as well as elements for personal development.
Consulting includes the areas of management consulting, outplacement, training and coaching. The consulting assignments relate primarily to process modelling, organizational and personnel development measures.
The basis of our actions are the systemic constructivist approach and the company principles.
In addition to subject-specific training (IT, languages, etc.), we offer our services to our customers and their employees in all phases of the respective company development (e.g. expansion projects, outplacement measures).
Together with our cooperation partners, we strive to offer our customers the most holistic consulting and training service possible.
Basic orientation:
The website serves to provide information on the activities of the company “die Berater” Unternehmensberatungs GmbH and its services.